Tuesday, 28 June 2016

20mm Shermans

To give my eyes a bit of a rest a trio of PSC 20mm Shermans made their way onto the bench.

15mm Panthers

Next out of the motor pool was a pack of 15mm PSC Panthers.

15mm Panzer III

I wanted to increase my armour for my 15mm Germans, so as part of my year build on the Guild I got this lot ready.

PSC Panzer IIIs were the first through the paint shop.

Essex Miniatures 15mm French Infantry

Been a while since I posted anything on here. I was kind of busy with things and didn't find the time to keep it updated. Anyway, I got another unit of French painted up.

 Plus a few extra bases as it seems counting to ten was a bit of a problem for me.

And a quick shot of all of my French so far.